Forumi Horizont Gjithsej 10 faqe: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [10]
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Forumi Horizont (
- Gjuha Angleze (
-- I tell you about Albania (

Postuar nga lost_soul datë 25 Prill 2011 - 20:05:

Intenacionalistet, arrxhinjte, laviret dhe mbeturina te tjera te historise, individe qe identitetin e kane shitur rrugeve, ose e kane zevendesuar me parrulla te bukura qe i lexojne tretuareve te Europes, i bashkon kazani i urrejtjes ndaj atij dimensioni qe atyre u mungon. Keta lloj njerezish, e ndjejne percmimin ne vendet ku jetojne, prandaj edhe urrejne vendet e lirise ku njeriu ndjehet individ.

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 26 Prill 2011 - 00:15:

Yeah, stupidity is a requirement to make people feel happy with their existence. That was an interesting quote somebody posted recently.

I am wondering who is more disadapted here. People who cannot write the language of the country they live in, or people who criticise the country of origin.

Maybe I'm crazyyyy, maybe I'm crazyyyy, probablyyyy

Postuar nga lost_soul datë 26 Prill 2011 - 01:38:

LooL, sapo permenda se cilet jane ata qe lexojne parrulla dhe i kthejne ne vlera.
Nuk vonojne te vonuarit te na tregojne se kush jane.

Postuar nga lule datë 19 Maj 2011 - 21:37:

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!

e then nga Kenedy, ne 2006 ..nfakt vlen per ne.

Postuar nga professori datë 01 Dhjetor 2011 - 01:59:

Post sadness

Po citoj ato që tha Fajtori
Yeah, stupidity is a requirement to make people feel happy with their existence. That was an interesting quote somebody posted recently.

I am wondering who is more disadapted here. People who cannot write the language of the country they live in, or people who criticise the country of origin.

Maybe I'm crazyyyy, maybe I'm crazyyyy, probablyyyy

Upon reading your poorly stated message I had to register and respond not to your poor answer or statement, but I had to respond to the lack of knowledge you have about the matter and what the line “I tell you about Albania” in essence actually means. It sadness me that individuals such as your self even exist. Nevertheless the sentence “I tell you about Albania” is a sentence that it states ones opinion it has nothing to do with how the country is in it self. Albania is one of the most unique countries in the world for the diversity of its population. As a result we have a very high number of uneducated individuals who not by choice cannot even write their name. This however does not give you the right or anyone else for that matter to disrespect or insult the intelligence of anyone trying to speak their mind on this so called forum. As I have to accept you opinion about Albanian abroad here in the USA, I do have a piece of advice for you when you get technical about a language or how it is supposed to be used properly do not misspell words such as “nacionalists” its amusing to read your posts they are full of literature mistakes, some of them as ignorant as not writing “Albania” with a capital letter. Then again you must have forgotten to use spell check on your writing because you’re so very busy judging others.

P.S Lule you must have written the year wrong JFK gave that speech 1961 maybe a bit earlier but that’s what I remember.

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 01 Dhjetor 2011 - 04:59:

Ok, there are mistakes in most forum posts. Some go unnoticed, others are left there on purpose. Nobody here is a genius, a superstar, a professor, or an unfailing human being. Mistakes are inherent in life, at least in the real one. In a certain sense, mistakes come with knowledge. As you, professor, may know, nationality is written in uppercase in English and German, and lowercase in Albanian or Italian. I don't understand why every language have to be different on this, and sometimes I like to write the way I like, in this case the Albanian one. Or should I say albanian...?

Second, there are not so many people in Albania who can't write their name. Are you talking about 2011 or 1911? This thread has nothing to do with disrespecting ignorant people, it is rather intended to wake up the other types of ignorants, those with knowledge and diplomas, those who knows nothing more than being Albanian, those who can't figure out that a real person and a real country has its weak and strong points. As you said, there is an inherent opinion in the thread title. If the other Albanians had invested time on creating other threads and other opinions (with relative defense of their opinion), there would be much more to read about Albania and Albanians than simple statements in defence of their "legitimate" nationalism (I am so sorry about my previous mistake).

So, dear professor, before trying to write a pointless message, please wake up and write down something that could complete or confute the vision on Albanians. This thread has only a bunch of materials I have found online, about whom Albanians never talk. If you have anything to add, please add some knowledge about the moon, not the finger I am pointing (or is it Moon?? go figure).

  Gjithsej 10 faqe: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [10]
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