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Postuar nga NS-6 datë 14 Prill 2007 - 03:49:

berthama e qelizave te njeriut ka 46 kromozome (3)

Cod. B14042007

atehere me poshte po paraqes gjatesite e kromozomeve duke perfshire edhe hapesirat qe kane mbet pa sekuencuar mire.te dhenat jane te muajit mars 2006:

kromozomi 1...............247.249.719 baza
kromozomi 2...............242.951.149 baza
kromozomi 3...............199.501.827 baza
kromozomi 4...............191.273.063 baza
kromozomi 5...............180.857.866 baza
kromozomi 6...............170.899.992 baza
kromozomi 7...............158.821.424 baza
kromozomi 8................146.274.826 baza
kromozomi 9................140.273.252 baza
kromozomi 10..............135.374.737 baza
kromozomi 11..............134.452.384 baza
kromozomi 12...............132.349.534 baza
kromozomi 13...............114.142.980 baza
kromozomi 14...............106.368.585 baza
kromozomi 15...............100.338.915 baza
kromozomi 16...............88.827.254 baza
kromozomi 17...............78.774.742 baza
kromozomi 18...............76.117.153 baza
kromozomi 19...............63.811.651 baza
kromozomi 20...............62.435.964 baza
kromozomi 21...............46.944.323 baza
kromozomi 22...............49.691.432 baza
kromozomi X.................154.913.754 baza
kromozomi Y..................57.772.954 baza
gjenoma e mitokondrive............16.571 baza

gjatesia totale (perfshi hapesirat)....................3.080.436.051 baza
gjatesia e sekuencuar........2.858.034.764 baza

informacionet te marra nga National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) dhe nga UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Group:
Center for Biomolecular Science & Engineering.

informacionet qe shihni tregojne qe ka hapesira akoma qe nuk ja kane gjetur sekuencen e duhur.dmth jane gjetur bazat por nevojiten pozicionimet e duhura te tyre (sepse jo me kot kane arrit te llogaritin gjatesine totale me gjith hapesirat )ne shumen totale eshte llogarit edhe gjenoma mitokondriale qe eshte ndodhet jasht berthame,ne mitokondri. gjithsesi kromozomet po analizohen nje per nje per te rregulluar keto hapesira si dhe per te kerkuar gjenet qe fshihen ne to.kete gje e tregojne fare mire shkrimet qe jane paraqit ne revisten Nature:

- Scherer SE et al., "The finished DNA sequence of human chromosome 12.", Nature, 2006 Mar 16;440(7082):346-51
- Taylor TD et al., "Human chromosome 11 DNA sequence and analysis including novel gene identification.", Nature, 2006 Mar 23;440(7083):497-500
- Nusbaum C et al., "DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 18.", Nature, 2005 Sep 22;437(7058):551-5
- Hillier LW et al., "Generation and annotation of the DNA sequences of human chromosomes 2 and 4.", Nature, 2005 Apr 7;434(7034):724-31
- Ross MT et al., "The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome.", Nature, 2005 Mar 17;434(7031):325-37
- Martin J et al., "The sequence and analysis of duplication-rich human chromosome 16.", Nature, 2004 Dec 23;432(7020):988-94
- Humphray SJ et al., "DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 9.", Nature, 2004 May 27;429(6990):369-74
- Deloukas P et al., "The DNA sequence and comparative analysis of human chromosome 10.", Nature, 2004 May 27;429(6990):375-81
- Dunham A et al., "The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 13.", Nature, 2004 Apr 1;428(6982):522-8
- Grimwood J et al., "The DNA sequence and biology of human chromosome 19.", Nature, 2004 Apr 1;428(6982):529-35
- Mungall AJ et al., "The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 6.", Nature, 2003 Oct 23;425(6960):805-11
- Hillier LW et al., "The DNA sequence of human chromosome 7.", Nature, 2003 Jul 10;424(6945):157-64

per detaje te metejshme per kromozomet,do permenden me vone ndoshta,kur te analizohen semundjet e ndryshme si dhe mutacionet etj etj


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