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Postuar nga Endri datë 15 Qershor 2011 - 06:13:

Po citoj ato që tha lule

Good that God gave you this love for the animals...
you have passed through a lot of problems with people to give that opinion.

Shpresoj te kaloje .

They are definately more loyal. And more useful. Now stop being dull, uninteresting and start learning a little. Having problems means having experience which means also knowing how to solve things. I would start to worry if my life was comfortable. In where I would fit in right in the center. Alright, kiddo?

  Gjithsej 150 faqe: « E parë ... « 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 [134] 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 » ... E fundit »
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