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-- I tell you about Albania (
Postuar nga Balerina datë 13 Janar 2010 - 05:42:
Po citoj ato që tha Fajtori
Ok guys.
Definitely you are right, Albania is not only bad things. Nice things should be shown too.
I know that there are nice things, but that's not what I meant by criticizing the non-constructive criticism of foreign journalists who use social anomalies to "sell" their stories.
Last semester, for one of my classes I had to read a book on US intervention around the world that was full of controversy and one of the worst chapters was the one about Albania. One direct quote of who was later found to be a Soviet spy, Englishman Kim Philby that worked with Albanians to spark a rebellion against the Hoxha regime, said "Even in our more serious moments, we Anglo-Saxons never forgot that our agents[the Albanians] were just down from the trees." REALLY? 20th century fajtor. Opulence does not dictate cleverness, smarts but that is what they thought because good-for-nothing journalists prey on phenomenons like the sworn virgins (about which I found out watching National Geographic) and outsiders get a false sense of what an average, everyday Albanian problem is.
This is not an excuse, something clearly has to be done as far as "gjakmarrja" and "sworn virgins" (which there aren't any new ones) but let's talk about the real face of Albania now.
You know what I feel the real problems in Albania are? The same old, same old.
The fact that you gotta wake up early to shower because there isn't enough water. May 2009, I get a text from my best friend who was in Albania for a few days, at 11:00pm, which would be 5:00am back home saying "te dhjefsha qeverine" (and she rarely cusses!).
The fact that everyone feels that is above the law by driving around with no licenses or expired ones, because they will not be harshly penalized; all they need to do is treat the policeman right. And we've all done something unlawful as Albanians...from smuggling 5 liters of raki, packs of Malboro reds, and olive oil in international airports to [u]some/u] of us carrying illegal arms.
The fact that there is the illusion that there is a choice between all those political parties but in fact NO choice for the people. (fear not though, we are NOT alone...USA is a great example).
The fact that you can pay in universities to either get a diploma or to get someone fail a class. Crazy, huh?
The fact that everyone seems to forget about orphanages.
These, to me, are problems that affect more than the 0.01% of the population that might be a sworn virgin or the 0.05% that owes "gjak." I'm not belittling the first problems, I'm just saying they do not represent typical Albania.
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