Forumi Horizont Gjithsej 37 faqe: « E parë ... « 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [32] 33 34 35 36 37 »
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Postuar nga Ana1 datë 02 Tetor 2011 - 23:24:

I felt a surge of affection for...

I got a temporary job long-term potential. I worked at a law firm at 120 Broadway entering lawyer`s time-sheets into a database for 12 (twelve) bucks an hour. I worked with four woman in a tiny office called the Information Center. I sat at a computer and keyed in numbers all day, moving only three fingers of my right hand. On my lunch hour I had snarf peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from home then wander the tangled grid of streets east of Broadway. If I was feeling rich I`d spring for greasy Chinese food at Win Won, a little place with seating upstairs in an alley off Liberty Street. Most of the time I`d end up at the Strand`s Fulton Street Annex or at a place on Nassau Street called SoHo Books that sold overstock and remainders. Sometimes I`d walk to the World Trade Center and read magazines at Borders and walk around the mall...Being in the mall comforted me. It was like being at "Pazari i Evgjiteve" back in Albania...

  Gjithsej 37 faqe: « E parë ... « 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [32] 33 34 35 36 37 »
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