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Forumi Horizont (
- Gjuha Angleze (
-- I tell you about Albania (

Postuar nga kurt datë 14 Janar 2010 - 02:47:

Fajtor, to be honest, way before i read the article of Gill, I was critical so much of the same stuff of my own country which so many times i have expressed in this forum, but when you read it from an outsider, it hurts a little

btw, I would like to read the reply from Genci Kojdheli if u can find it and bring it

the reply i think should have been/be insulting and funny towards this individual Gill and his country.

if he is english we should start by the ugly teeth the english people r known for, and we should go on pointing out how impotent english men really are when in fact all women of england seem to prefer only black men, this observation is not racialy motivated, but only facts i have notice from one year of living in england.

then we should analyse the motives of the author, and analyse his pathetic existence.
why should a pervert potentially a pedophile from rotten old cultures of europe is chekin out teenagers of albania?!

why a pervert from europe is diapontment that he couldn't find a prostitute in the streets of tirana, now he has to talk shit about it, because he assumed we manufacture only prostitutes in this country?!

so maybe he had to jerk off all the time he was in albaina, cause no albanian woman wanted to sleep with an ugly teeth and impotent english man.

or maybe, just maybe, Gill is an english faggot, and he assumed from the lack of style that so many albanian men dress like gay dudes without knowing, and naive to the analytical eyes of the gay europe, and walk around free dressed a litle fruty with to many colors faggot Gill thought was in haven, but was dissapointment once more!

so then Gill sat down and wrote about albania and the albanians, with bitterness, trying to be articulate and show us what we should and shouldn't laugh at! an english man, trying to teach us humor!
when one thinks of english people, last thing that comes to mind is their humor
and in comparison albanians are much more funny, sense of humor its in our genes unlike the cold english
we albanians can make a women laugh, no matter how primitive or olequent or witty or silly we come across

and, as all Women from any place on earth wil tell you, make a woman laugh and they will give you anything.

next trip for Gill must be Thailand, where he will be happy sorrounded with
cheap yong prostitutes, even teens as yong as this pediphile likes them, and im sure Gill will have nothing bad to say about that country, even though they eat dogs.

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