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Second shipment of Russian aid to arrive
Second shipment of Russian aid to arrive
23. 07. 2008.
Representatives of the Serbian Ministry for Kosovo-Metohija will receive the second shipment of humanitarian aid sent by Russia for Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo on July 23, at 10.45 am, at the Nikola Tesla Airport, Belgrade.
The aid shipment will be received, on behalf of the Serbian government, by Assistant Minister for Kosovo-Metohija Zvonimir Stevic, head of the Ministry's sector for return of internally displaced persons and humanitarian aid Borislav Tajic, and a Health Ministry representative.
The handing over of the aid will also be attended by Russian embassy representatives.
Under orders by top level Russian authorities, the Russian Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief will hand over the second shipment of aid worth nearly $600,000.
The aid consists of medical devices, ultra sound scanners, incubators and other medical equipment which will be provided to the Serbian population in enclaves in Kosovo.
marrë nga: website i Ministrise Serbe per Kosoven.§ionId=11
hajde ndihma hajde edhe ultrazë edhe inkubator ... pa te shofim kur te dal ndonje arme balistike apo nga ato gjerat e tmerrshme ruse ...
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