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- Gjuha Angleze (
-- I tell you about Albania (

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 21 Janar 2010 - 15:27:

Po citoj ato që tha Balerina

Ah, this is where we disagree, perhaps because our experiences differ greatly. I just came back from an Albanian-organized event where there was Albanian and American dancing, and by the end, the cleaning lady came and we got her in the dance floor, dancing with us, but not Albanian style (although those experiences do not lack for sure).
You cannot stop change, we change every day...but there is a fundamental difference between assimilation and integration. I am capable of being integrated in American society, but I do not need to assimilate. I like who I am, an Albanian. We have our what? I ask myself almost everyday what could I do better, because in a foreign country, we are representatives of Albania, and that clears my conscience.

If Americans can be proud, when, because of their government foreign policy, peoples in the Third World live in undignified poverty, then I can sure as hell be happy that I am Albanian because a government does not represent the soul of a people.

Ahhh Balerina,

If you are a representative of Albania then go to Albania a couple of weeks and tell me if you feel represented there. I hardly believe that emigrants represent Albania after some years. What they have in mind of Albania does not represent the true Albania, otherwise you wouldn't dance in America but in Albania.

A government doesn't represent the soul of people, but the culture. A government is the best representation a population think for itself. Thus, whatever me or you talk against politics and government I strongly believe it represent Albanians.

Last, the change you are talking about is normal for emigrants. A change is automatic for somebody living abroad. Also Albanians living in Albania are changing. But the changes are not based on some consciousness or popular conquest. It is still a society dominated by:
males fighting in the streets for a car damage
males dictating women what to do
males ruling politics
blood feuds

A real change is the popular gain of consciousness, throwing traditions from the window and starting a mass revolution (remember '68). To my opinion this will never happen because Albania is a Balkan country fearing extinction, thus, keeping change slow and justifying failures with foreign enemies.

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