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struktura e ADN:koncepti i komplementaritetit
Cod. A28012005
Pra jane antiparalel me njeri tjetrin.Kjo gje eshte mjaft e rendesishme per njohjen e zinxhirit nga enzimat e ndryshme.
Pervec kesaj do te doja te shihnit edhe nje karakteristike tjeter e ADN: po te vini re nese njeri zinxhir ka adenine ne zinxhirin tjeter do te kete patjeter timine dhe nese ne njerin zinxhir ka guanine ne tjetrin do te kete patjeter citozine(kjo eshte si rregull i pergjithshem dhe perjashtimet jane ne raste te mutacioneve qe mund te formohen nga substanca qe kane konformacione te ngjashme me strukturat baze te ADN).Kjo karakteristike e ADN quhet komplementaritetit dhe eshte e rendesishme per faktin se duke njohur njerin zinxhir je ne gjendjet te thuash me saktesi se cfare sekuence ka zinxhiri tjeter. Ne fakt kjo karakteristike perdoret ne gjetjet e sekuencave te gjeneve ne ADN. Duke qene se gjenet prodhojne ARN lajmetar(mARN)atehere duke pare sekuencen e ARN jepet nje ide rreth sekuences se gjenit ne ADN. E njejta llogjike perdoret ne metodat e PCR(polymerise chain reaction)nje teknike qe perdoret per te shtuar sasine e ADN ne rastet kur eshte pak.Shpresoj se e keni pare filmin CSI(crime scene investigation).Kjo metode eshte nje nder metodat me te fundit qe perdoren per raste te tilla.Do te merrem me vone me shpjegimin e kesaj metode dhe atyre te ngjashme me te.Tjeter cfare mund te them...
Hence they are antiparallel with each other. This is significant in order for the enzymes to recognize the chain. Besides this, I would like to show you another DNA characteristic.
Be aware if one chain contains Adenine then the other chain will contain Thymine and if one chain contains Guanine then the other will have Cytosine. So, this is a general rule since the base pair forms only between these two but there are some cases such as in mutation where substances have similar structures with the base pair of DNA.
This characteristic is known as complementary and is important because if one chain is recognized then you are able to tell exactly the sequence of the other chain. In fact this is the characteristic used to find the sequences of DNA genes. Since the genes produce messenger RNA (mRna) then looking at the sequence of RNA, you can form an idea about the sequence of the gene of DNA.
The same idea applies in the method of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) a technique that is used to amplify and rapidly synthesize DNA when there is not too much. I hope that you all have seen the movie CSI (crime scene investigation). This method is one of the latest ones which is used in such cases. I will inform you next time by explaining this method and those that are similar.
What else can I say....
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