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Firmosni peticionin per filmin e Skenderbeut.
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Qellimi i ketij peticioni eshte qe te behet nje film nga Hollivudi per heroin tone kombetar Gjergj Kastrioti.
Meriton jo vetem firmen e cdo njerit nga ne, po shume me teper. Duhet te jemi krenar qe kemi patur nje hero te tille.
Sponsored by: Albanians All over USA
With this signatures we are asking Hollywood director Zack Snyder to produce a movie about Skenderbeg.
George Kastrioti Skenderbeu (Albanian: Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeg widely known as Skanderbeg, is one of the most prominent historical figures in the history of Albania and of the Albanian people.He is also known as the Dragon of Albania and is the national hero of the Albanians. He is remembered for his struggle against the Ottoman Empire, through the work of his first biographer,Marin Barleti.
Skanderbeg successfully ousted the Ottoman Turks from his native land for over two decades, halting Turkey's efforts to spread Islam through a predominately Roman Catholic western Europe. Albanians fought one of the bloodiest wars in the Balkans to repulse the invasion of their ancient Illyrian homeland by the Ottoman Turks. The saga of Albanian resistance to the Ottoman Turks was written with the blood of many Albanian Kings and to their people.
For a quarter of a century Skanderbeg and Albania prevented Turks from invading Western Europe.
He deserves a Hollywood movie, a Hollywood movie that will make history.
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