Forumi Horizont
Trego 4 mesazhet në një faqe të vetme

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-- Postimet per kerkese/oferte pune nga me qesharaket. (

Postuar nga Deb* datë 08 Nëntor 2010 - 19:28:

Postimet per kerkese/oferte pune nga me qesharaket.

Sa kam qesh dje kur burri me tregoi nje postim qe kishte pare te craisglist . I beri pershtypje titulli, por kur lexoi brendine po mbante barkun me dore. Normal qe dikush eshte tallur.
Le te sjellim ketu pikerisht keto lloj kerkesash per pune qe ndeshim.

Po e sjell sic eshte, pra ne Anglisht, pa i ndryshuar asnje presje.

Need someone really tall to hammer a nail (Farmington)

This is a serious post, though I'm kind of embarrassed about it. I need someone to come to my house and put a nail in my wall so I can hang a picture in a certain spot. It's in a place where a ladder won't be useful - over a half-wall that surrounds my stairs. You should be taller than 6'2", because that's how tall my father is and he was off by about six inches when he did it. You should probably also be close to Farmington, because you won't want to waste gas on such a small job. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm serious, and I'd like to get it done before the 29th. Please email me if you think you can help!

Location: Farmington
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: $20

Postuar nga SmoKer datë 08 Nëntor 2010 - 19:44:

Re: Postimet per kerkese/oferte pune nga me qesharaket.

Po citoj ato që tha Deb*
Sa kam qesh dje kur burri me tregoi nje postim qe kishte pare te craisglist . I beri pershtypje titulli, por kur lexoi brendine po mbante barkun me dore. Normal qe dikush eshte tallur.
Le te sjellim ketu pikerisht keto lloj kerkesash per pune qe ndeshim.

Po e sjell sic eshte, pra ne Anglisht, pa i ndryshuar asnje presje.

Need someone really tall to hammer a nail (Farmington)

This is a serious post, though I'm kind of embarrassed about it. I need someone to come to my house and put a nail in my wall so I can hang a picture in a certain spot. It's in a place where a ladder won't be useful - over a half-wall that surrounds my stairs. You should be taller than 6'2", because that's how tall my father is and he was off by about six inches when he did it. You should probably also be close to Farmington, because you won't want to waste gas on such a small job. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm serious, and I'd like to get it done before the 29th. Please email me if you think you can help!

Location: Farmington
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Compensation: $20

...she wont even pay for the gas ...

Postuar nga lezhjani-82 datë 08 Nëntor 2010 - 19:53:

Well, paying 20 $ just for that i guess is enough .

Postuar nga Deb* datë 08 Nëntor 2010 - 20:16:

Nje tjeter postim qesharak ka qene disa muaj me pare. Nuk e gjej dot tani, por njeri kerkonte nje femer per ti pastruar shtepine. Kishte vetem nje kerkese shume te forte.. Femra duhet te pastronte shtepine e tij, lakuriq.

Trego 4 mesazhet në një faqe të vetme

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