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nje program per foldera
amund te me ndihmoni te gjej nje program per ti vendosur pasword folderave
File and Folder Protector
Folder Guard
Googloji dhe do i gjesh menjehere. Ka dhe nje duzine me programe te tjera por keto me erdhen ne mendje per momentin.
PS: Tema te tilla duhen publikuar te sektori i informatikes per te marre nje pergjigje sa me te shpejte dhe sa me ekzakte.
Po citoj ato që tha Lord_Of_The_Strings
File and Folder Protector
Folder Guard
Googloji dhe do i gjesh menjehere. Ka dhe nje duzine me programe te tjera por keto me erdhen ne mendje per momentin.
PS: Tema te tilla duhen publikuar te sektori i informatikes per te marre nje pergjigje sa me te shpejte dhe sa me ekzakte.
Nuk e kam provuar vete, por duhet te funksionoje!
MySecretFolder ™ is a software utility that you can use to hide your private folder from other users, hide it so that no one will even suspect that your secret folder exists! Yet the folder would be easily accessible to you, when you need it: just press the “hot key”, enter your password, and it will open in a window, just like a regular Windows folder. While the folder is unprotected, you can work with the files and documents it contains, just like with any other folder you have. When you are done, enter your password, and the folder will disappear again, until you need it next time.
Note: Please Dont Use Space(s) In BetWeen Your Name In The KeyGen Or It Wont Work
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