Forumi Horizont | Trego 7 mesazhet në një faqe të vetme |
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Aleksander S. Pushkin-mbret I Letersise Ruse
Pak Biografi...
Lindi ne Moske me 26 Maj, 1799. Ai mori formimin me te mire qe mund te konsiderohet per ate kohe ne Rusi.
Shkrimet e tij te para u shfaqen ne gazeten The Messenger of Europe ne vitin 1814.
Pas diplomimit ai vendoset ne S,Petersburg ku ne asnje cast nuk rresht se shkruari. Ne kete periudhe tendencat e tij poetike moren drejtim politik dhe nuk mund te mos i shpetonin syrit kritik te regjimit te atehershem carist...
Ai debohet nga S.Peteri dhe dergohet ne Kaukaz (Pjesa jugore e Rusise) ku shkruan edhe "I burgosuri i Kaukazit".
Ne vitin 1831 ai martohet me Natalia Goncharoven nje bukuroshe e cila ne ate kohe ishte ne qender te vemendjes ne shoqerine e larte cariste.
Ne vitin 1837 ai vritet ne nje duel me Dantesin...
Na fotografi Sasha Pushkin rebonok...
Sasha Pushkin Liceist.
"Portret Pushkina". 1827
Portret zakazal sam Pushkin i podorill evo svoemu drugu S. A.Sobolevskomu
Lila, Lila! Ya stradayu
Bezotradnuyu toskoi
Ya tomlyus, ya umirayu,
GAsnu plamenoi dushoi;
No lyubov maya naprasna:
Ti smeyeshsya hado mnoi.
Smeisya, Lila: Ti prekrasna
N beschuvstvenoi krasoi.
Ti i Ya
Ti bogat, Ya ochen beden
Ti prozaik, ya poet;
Ti rumyan, kak makov cvet,
Ya kak smert i tosh, i bleden
Ne imeya v vek zabot
Ti zhivesh v ogromnom dome;
Ya zh sred gorya i hlopot
Provozhu dni na solome
Ishe ti sladko vsyakoi den,
Tyanesh bini na svobode
I tebye ne redko len
Nuzhni dolg otdat prirode
Ya zhe s chertvovo kuska,
Ot vodi siroi i presnoi
Skazhen za sto s cherdaka
Za nuzhdoi begu izbestnoi.
Okruzhen rabov tolpoi.
C groznim despotizma vzorom,
Afedron ti zhirni svoi
Podtiraesh kolenkorom;
Ya zhe greshnuyu diru
Ne baluyu detskoi modoi
I Hvostova zhestkoi odoi,
Hot i morshuicya da tru
ndoshta per disa do te prish emrin gati hynor te Pushkinit por mendoj qe reputacioni i tij eshte aq i padiskutueshem sa disa rrjeshta qe me bene pershtypje prej "Secret Journal" qe u botua vetem 100 vjen mbas vdekjes se tij vetem mund te na zbulojne nje ane tjeter te ketij gjeniu.
"...Once I thought that divine convulsions were the goal of love. No, if it were so, faithfulness would not be such a burden and a wife would completely satisfy my desires. The objective is not convusions, which one can achieve with masturbation, but to reveal the mystery of the pussy. The mystery of the pussy, which stops exciting you because of nightly contact with the woman, does not disappear and does not reveal itself completely but is transferred to other women.
Or otherwise - every pussy has its own mystery and revealing one does not mean that you realize the total Mystery. So you get the pussy you were crazy about and it seems that you caught the Mystery by the tail! No, it slips away from the pussy you pall on and looks at you from another one."
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