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- Gjuha Angleze (
-- globalizimi dhe sistemet e informacionit (

Postuar nga klasa datë 12 Mars 2009 - 20:45:

globalizimi dhe sistemet e informacionit

Do you have any idea how globalization affects the process of information systems development. Do globalization advantages overweight its disadvantages for development of different kinds of information systems (concentrate on IT development)

Thank you in advance

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 13 Mars 2009 - 01:00:

Nese tema do jete anglisht do spostohet tek gjuha angleze. Nese do jete ship i lutem autorit te postoje kerkesen ne shqip qe te modifikojme mesazhin e hapjes.

Postuar nga klasa datë 13 Mars 2009 - 02:09:


Nuk e kuptova kete "do spostohet tek gjuha angleze". brenda ketij forumi apo duhet te shkoj ne ndonje forum tjeter,

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 13 Mars 2009 - 02:23:

Nese deshiron qe tema te jete anglisht (dhe pergjigjet ti marresh nga ata qe dine anglisht) mund ta spostojme tek nenforumi i gjuheve te huaja (Gjuha Angleze). Ndryshe spjegoje dhe njehere hapjen e temes ne shqip qe te kuptojne te gjithe diskutimin.

Postuar nga klasa datë 13 Mars 2009 - 12:19:

Po, dua qe pergjigja te jete ne anglisht, po nuk e kuptoj se ku duhet te lexoj une, ku eshte ky seksioni anglisht?

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 13 Mars 2009 - 16:07:

Forumi Horizont > Tema Shoqërore > Gjuhët e Huaja > Gjuha Angleze > globalizimi dhe sistemet e informacionit

E spostova aty. Nese ka pergjigje sidoqofte tema do dale tek temat e reja qe kerkohen tek linku lart djathtas ne faqen kryesore.

Gjithe te mirat.

Postuar nga klasa datë 15 Mars 2009 - 17:40:

To my mind, globalization has both advantages and disadvantages. The seminal causes that lead to the advantages are as the following;
As markets are becoming more opened new technologies are being transmitted in high velocity in the world wide in particular in big urban centers, where the consumers number is higher, consequently that means a higher request for new technology.
Let us imagine the speed with which news are broadcasted in the world; every quick and easy access is made possible thanks to the modern computing standardization, satellite systems and the well equipped media in modern facilities.
Thus, technology has made possible the velocity and the large scale of information, it has improved the possibility of scientific, cultural, political, social exchanges among various places and people in the entire world. This way technology has brought the world closer to us and we do not hesitate to speak for a ‘global village’.
The wide spread of computing technology has brought an evolution in the applied science of medicine, agriculture, effective companies management, banks, civic services, army, defense forces, people circulation control, other sciences like criminology, archeology, education ( all the unity of scientific work online) etc.

Everything becomes possible through global commerce and enormous international companies investments in the whole world. The more freedom and well passed lows a market has for its management, the more competitiveness gets developed. As a result there is a lower cost of products and services all thanks to technology. For example, the low cost of internet would bring a higher popularity of its use. Thus, anyone would learn how to use it.

In my opinion disadvantages have to do with 1) monopole decrease of local companies ( local companies do everything, they can even affect directly to policy to keep exclusively their interests and profits) that means having higher prices and prohibiting technology popularity.
On the other hand in some well developed places like USA or European countries etc, the question is that powerful companies offshore their products in China, Mexico or other places under the process of development, because the working force cost is too low but consequently that brings high unemployment for American or European workers. This way the competitiveness is very high, there is unemployment and a tendency by these countries to take protective measures – when the state interferes in the market by putting tariffs (that means high taxes) foreign capital enters with difficulty.

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 25 Prill 2013 - 08:43:

Interviste e Noam Chomsky tek Al Jazeera

Meqe Shqiperia eshte ne vale zgjedhjesh kjo interviste ka shume aktualitet. Noram Chomsky tregon sesi tashme zgjedhjet nuk i bejne politikanet por firma te specializuara per manipulimin e opinionit publik, tamam si ato qe partite shqiptare punesojne qysh prej zgjedhjeve te 2005. Keto dobesojne demokracine, thote Chomsky.

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