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- Gjuha Angleze (
-- I tell you about Albania (

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 10 Janar 2010 - 23:14:

I tell you about Albania

A journey in Albania with the eyes of foreign reporters, visitors and journalists. The real face of Albania, its paradoxes, its primitivity, its institutional corruption.

Take a look to this country and draw conclusions yourself. Those of you who are not Albanians will know better what albanians see every day. And those of you who are Albanians will have a look back to where they come from.

Postuar nga Piktor datë 10 Janar 2010 - 23:18:

E kush e ka thene kete?
Qenka per ti qare hallin se nuk e di as vete se nga vjen.

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 10 Janar 2010 - 23:29:

Albania: a blood feud

A decade after the fall of Albania's ruthless communist regime, the country appears to have gone backwards.

Produced by ABC Australia 2001
Distributed by Journeyman Pictures

P.s. Piktor, kjo eshte teme informative. Kush ka kurajo te shikoje njehere, pastaj vini ne pune mekanizmat e mbrojtjes. Le te dalin ne pah te mirat e te keqijat.

Postuar nga Piktor datë 10 Janar 2010 - 23:42:

Shih se nuk shihet çfare ke postuar.
Linku po punon.

ps:Besoj se e di se ka gazetare qe per dy pare bejne reportazhe speciale varet nga gazetaret psh mesa di une ne australi ka shume italiane etj etj.

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 10 Janar 2010 - 23:44:

Po po, si perhere shqiptaret jane gjynaf, te tjeret i bien ne qafe kot.

Video do rregullohet tani besoj.

Postuar nga Piktor datë 10 Janar 2010 - 23:55:


Pse nuk jep asnje filmim nga periudha e para 90' qe ta krahasoje? meqe keshtu titullohet.

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 11 Janar 2010 - 00:32:

Sold Children

Since the 1990s, an average of one child a week has vanished in Albania. Locals suspect the children are being sold abroad. There are even claims they’re being abducted for their organs.

“The danger of abduction is always there”, laments a school warden. He takes the threat so seriously, the school gates are manned at all times. Nasim Greka sold newborn babies for adoption in Greece. “We made maybe 20 or 30 deals”.

Journeyman pictures, October 2006

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 11 Janar 2010 - 15:22:

Sworn Virgins

They're living life as men, but they are neither transsexual nor gay. These Albanian women have chosen to live as sworn virgins.

Researchers of american universities attribute this phenomena to machism, whereby men can freely participate in public life while women are constrained to stay at home. In this context becoming a sworn virgin is a way to gain freedom from in men's ruling society.

Produced by National Geographic

Postuar nga Fajtori datë 12 Janar 2010 - 00:24:

Again, blood

... a country where taking revenge is a duty...

National Geographic, 2008

Postuar nga Balerina datë 12 Janar 2010 - 06:44:

Sinqerisht, gazetaria eshte kot sepse varet ne elementin magjepses, ne kete rast, ne primitivitetin e zonave te thella rurale shqiptare. Une nuk njihja ndonje sworn virgin ne Shqiperi, nuk kisha shoke klase ne shkolle qe ishin detyruar te rrinin brenda per shkak te hasmit. Te marresh keto dhe te thuash pa frike "the real face of Albania" eshte sikur te besh nje dokumentar per mormons te Utah te Amerikes qe jetojne neper komunitete te cuditshme e meshkujt martohen me me shume se nje grua, dhe te thuash "the real face of America" ose me mire, "the real face of Utah."
Keto fenomene jane aq revoltuese sa dhe anomali per shqiptarin "mesatar."

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