Forumi Horizont | Trego 6 mesazhet në një faqe të vetme |
Forumi Horizont (
- Gjuhët e Huaja (
-- Kerkes..... (
Kushe mund te me ndihmoj me perkthimin e nje teksti nga shqipja ne anglisht pasi qe nuk di te shkruaj paster anglishten dhe me nevojitet ky tekst ta perkthej sot pasi qe neser me duhet ta dergoj nese ka dikush ateher le te me shkruaj e une pastaj e postoj teksin qe duhet ta perkthej flm nga ata qe do me ndihmojn e kam shume urgjent
...where did u say that you live ?
Po citoj ato që tha SmoKer`
...where did u say that you live ?
Why don't you post the text in here hopefully someone will help you out.
...even though its kind of late!
Text can not post here because it is the official text
but if someone is willing to help me,I will then the text in private
because they do not want to read others
I thank the , If you were willing to help me
Please tell me where you are living
Po citoj ato që tha Alba-GB
Text can not post here because it is the official text
but if someone is willing to help me,I will then the text in private
because they do not want to read others
I thank the , If you were willing to help me
Please tell me where you are living
Trego 6 mesazhet në një faqe të vetme |
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