Regjistruar: 22/10/2004
Vendbanimi: God is busy, me too...
Mesazhe: 2957
Super Interesante!!! SKANDERBEG 3D Game!!! Skenderbeu behet edhe electronic game!!!
Me te vertete eshte shume interesante...
Duke "lundruar" ne youtube... rastesisht shoh kete video...
e cila prezantonte nje loje, demon e se ciles mund t'a shkarkoni edhe ketu !
Me aq sa kam pare eshte me te vertete shume interesante dhe... ky person duhet pergezuar per kete iniciative qe ka ndermarre, pavaresisht se sa e arrire mund te jete ajo.
__________________ It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.(Declaration of Arbroath)
Regjistruar: 22/10/2004
Vendbanimi: God is busy, me too...
Mesazhe: 2957
... pashe se nuk eshte e mundur te behet download-imi per momentin...
me sa duket eshte shume demo loja... aq shume saqe eshte ne fillimet e para...
une do te pres, sikurse edhe ju mendoj qe te dale sa me shpejt kjo loje...
__________________ It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.(Declaration of Arbroath)