When I kiss you
An entire ocean runs through my veins
Flowers grow in my body as if it were a garden
And you apply some fertilizer and you trim me, I’m happy
And on my tongue a nightingale reveals itself
And under his wings we love each other without shame
When you kiss me
You give a Nobel prize to my mouth
When I kiss you
You open and close up like the wings of a butterfly
And your saliva baptises my illusion
And you eat away all the reason
A moan undresses itself and gets out of your voice
I follow in his steps and my heart is folded
When you kiss me
All the stars are lit at dawn
And on my tongue a nightingale reveals itself
And under his wings we love each other without shame
When you kiss me
You give a Nobel prize to my mouth
When I kiss you
The moon balances over the river and dives …
It takes just as much courage to express your love when it's right, as it does to walk away when it's wrong.
Kisha ca kohe pa e degjuar kete kengen....cudi nga mu kujtua !
La La La La La
La La La La Li
A little bird lit down on Henry Lee....
Albumi Murder Ballads nga Nick Cave and the bad seeds,nga i cili eshte marre kjo kenga,eshte vertet i vecante ! Sic thote dhe titulli i albumit,tere kenget flasim per histori vertet te forta,histori vrasjesh !
Vrasje me motive te forta apo te dobeta,vrasje brenda ne familje,vrasje per xhelozi,apo edhe dhjesht per nje ofendim te vogel ne nje bar,apo per nje shikim me shume !
Faktikisht shume arriten deri atje sa ta akuzonin Nick-un se kishte probleme te natyres psiqike,pasi s'eshte normale te besh nje album te tere, ku kenget te flasin vetem per vrasje duke rrefyer edhe detajet neper tekste (sipas disave) !
Dhe kenga qe mund te quhet me soft,ajo me Kylie Minogue,prape dhe ajo eshte shume e dhimbshme !Duket nje kenge e bukur romantike,e embel,por faktikisht historia e kenges eshte se femra e interpretuar nga Kylie,vritet nga dashnori i saj ! Prandaj eshte dhe ajo skena qe duket sikur rri pezull mbi uje...thjesht pasi nuk jetonte me, ka vdekur !
Sdq albumet e tjera nuk i ka pas me tekste kaq dark dhe ekstreme,mos u trembni
__________________ Si sta come d'autunno sugli alberi le foglie !