p.s. nuk ka te beje shume kenga dhe pse e bukur eshte por cfare eshte shkruar te video me beri pershtypje ... don't gave up whatever you do ... try and try again !!!
Sweet disposition
never too soon
oh reckless abandon
like no one’s watching you
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
so stay there
cause i’ll be coming over
and while our blood’s still young
it’s so young, it runs
and won’t stop til it’s over
won’t stop to surrender
songs of desperation
I played them for you
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud.
__________________ "Sono gli altri le strade, io sono una piazza, non porto in nessun posto, io sono un posto"
Ky versioni live,eshte cik me eltronik se orrigjinali,i cili eshte me rock e me i shpejte! Por dhe ky nuk eshte keq !
Leave - R.E.M
Nothing could be bring me closer
Nothing could be bring me near
Where is the road I follow?
to leave, leave
It's under, under, under my feet
The sea spread out there before me
where do I go where the land touches the sea
There is my trust in what I believe...
__________________ Si sta come d'autunno sugli alberi le foglie !