Rose of Silence
Regjistruar: 31/08/2006
Vendbanimi: usa
Mesazhe: 1525
Citim: Po citoj ato që tha Fajtori
Nuk mendoj se mud te kesh shoke klase ne hasem, sepse rrine mbyllur dhe nuk shkojne as ne shkolle.
Mund te argumentohet se kjo nuk eshte "face of Albania" por nuk e luan as topi qe eshte "real". Aq sa jam kurioz cfare behet ne Kiras gjate ketyre permbytjeve, ku dihet se jetojne te ngujuarit.
Edhe njehere realiteti eshte aty, por shqiptaret nuk duan ta shikojne me pretendimin se mesatarja nuk jeton ne ngujim. E pra, te ngujuarit e kane origjinen tek shqiptari mesatar, sepse ngujimi (e thone dokumentaret) tregon se nuk ka shtet. Mungesa e shtetit nuk fillon e mbaron tek gjakmarrja. Perkundrazi eshte njeriu mesatar, shoky yt i klases, ne mos ti vete, qe nuk di te ndertoje shtet dhe detyron format e gjakmarrjes te zevendesojne shtetin.
Ne kete kontekst gjakmarrja tregon tamam "real face of Albania", sepse sado te mbyllen syte per te pare gardhin personal, Shqiperia fillon tek korrupsioni i policit ne Tirane, tek kalimi i semaforit me te kuq, dhe mbaron tek format e gjakmarrjes. E gjitha eshte Shqiperia dhe mentaliteti qe nuk pranon (ose nuk meriton) te kete shtet. Shqiptaret jane njerezit e klaneve, oligarkive, korrupsionit. Te gjitha keto i mbajne dhe justifikojne me pretendimin se dhe bota eshte e korruptuar, me klane, me oligarki. Kaq u mjafton te vazhdojne ne kushtet qe jane.
P.s. This thread would have been better to discuss in english, so we don't talk like "insiders" and let the world understand our points.
I'm not denying that these issues are nonexistent, but rather explaining why these videos and the captions that go along with them, portray a false image of Albania. If I was an outsider, after watching these videos, I would end up thinking that these videos portray the majority of Albanians, when in turn it's really the minority. It is because of "fantastic media" like this that average outsiders assume that all of us had goats, or chicken or cows and assume that Albanians carry illegal weapons en masse. Illegal weapons, for instance were carried during times of turmoil, 'civil war,' occasions under which ANY group of people would panic and turn to defend themselves.
Now, perhaps it's the Albanian in me, perhaps it's just the human disillusioned by failed systems or empty promises in Albania or elsewhere, by the totality of corruption that goes on EVERYWHERE, that thinks that sometimes what is right, is not necessarily what is legal.
The problem is, fajtor, that although you stated that Albania starts with corruption of the policeman in Tirana, or the complete lack of respect for traffic lights, it would be difficult for an outsider who has never been to Albania and saw these videos to even imagine that there are traffic lights!
"Gjakmarrja" (Vendetta) does show a lack of the authority of the state, but it exists in deep rural regions of Albania where the state is not present at all.
I understand your frustration with virtually, the lack of a government in our beloved homeland, and with corruption but it's not that different from any other Eastern European, ex-communist country (and we had the craziest dictator of them all, except the Russians perhaps!). Not too long ago I read an article about corruption of doctors in Romania, a member state of the EU, in the New York Times, and made me feel nostalgic (sarcasm) remembering how it was back home.
Bukë, kripë e zemër të mirë.
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