amor alucius
Regjistruar: 11/04/2003
Vendbanimi: city of the sin
Mesazhe: 7605
Citim: Po citoj ato që tha kurti
hahaha e fort kjo!!
per informacion turlli e ka gjete taman, jo se po imitoj americant but comfort is a personal choice, or in my case is a priority
edhe per nje informacion tjeter, me duket sexi kur nje goce mabsi bej sex, vesh t-shirts e mia neper shpi, dhe asgje tjeter, no underwear, nothing else. (se mos me akuzojn kta psikologet e forumit qe subconsciously im in love with myself qe me duket sexi nje gje e tille )
i dont care, no matter what, i know my simplicity in comfort clothing and no tatoos in my body is a fashion statement to be reckoned with. im a man of good taste
one of these days i will get laid though i belive, i have a dream, sic berstiste ai martini neper amrike dikur
Tani te me besh hallall por kete me duhet te ta them: ne t-shirt dhe jeans veshin vetem studentet. Me pas njeriu kalon ne faza te tjera. Hiq dore nga t-shirtet kur del se s'po gjuan adoleshente por femra te formuara.
Hahahahaha! Have faith in your dream.Puç!
PS. Aman-Aman(Turtull), te shoh te frustruar nga jeta. Mgjth jepi sa te mundesh.
I love him in the summer when it sizzles, I love him in the winter when it drizzles...
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