Rose of Silence

Regjistruar: 31/08/2006
Vendbanimi: usa
Mesazhe: 1525
And another reply. Sorry, for the choppiness of the first one but that's all I could find online:
One can only assume that this article was written out of hatred and jealousy and I am forced to ask myself why? Why is it that such a reporter who should be a well-educated and intelligent man would write in such a shameful manner about a country that he knows nothing about? Why now that Albania is growing and its young generation is blossoming? The answer is clear of course. POLITICS!!
It amazes me how in the opening paragraph of your article you have spoken in the words of a true racist “It is grimly typical that the Albanians named their runway to the world after a woman who devoted herself to helping people die; and after a Catholic from a country that’s 70% Muslim”. And these words coming from an Englishman, making it clear whom time really forgot.
When writing an article one commences with research and only after knowing all there is to know about the subject, he/she begins to write. It is evident that AA Gill knows nothing about the actual reality of Albania. To begin with, I owe it to myself to TEACH you something about Albania and its people in this letter. Assuming that you do actually live in the real world and have read a little in your life you should have heard of course about Karl Gega who was a great Architect, Pope Clement XI, Belushi brothers who are famous actors. Inva Mula who is a well-known soprano singer, Ibrahim Kodra, a well known painter who has joint expositions with Picasso and one of our famous writers, Ismail Kadare who won a Nobel Prize for his excellent writing. Many of his books were transelated in the English language, I am almost certain that you would have read a few.
An albatross is bad luck? Or could it possibly be that an albatross is a sign of good luck but only when you harm it, it becomes bad luck. Hence, the reason why Albanians cherish their name and are so very proud of who they are. But you didn’t need Albanians telling you that, in ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ are exactly what Coleridge writes about. I suggest you take some time off and read that too, it would be very beneficial to you.
As for the architecture I shall not comment much on that since it is the opinion of an unknown journalist who cannot and doesn’t know how to appriciate the beauty of art.
In your article you spoke of prostitution, drug-dealing, crime and you stated that Albania was the main country for it, but I assure you there aren’t half as much brothels in the whole of Albania than there are in the city of London. You criticize the way some of the Albanians dress with which you’re also criticizing their culture, could it possibly be because you do not have traditional clothing, traditional dancing and touching stories to pass onto your future generations?
You also told of the foolishness of the Albanian youth, but you forgot to mention that it is that same Albanian youth that are studying in some of the best universities in the world, including Oxford, Cambridge and LSE (where I plan to go this September). It is also that same Albanian youth that is getting an education and as well as helping themselves they are helping their fellow countrymen, which shows patriotism, love and their humane nature. But I am sure you knew this, in fact you know the majority of the these beautiful traditions and amazing culture of the Albanian community and you went and picked its faults, no matter their size and exaggerated them in order to have an article to publish. This is evident because you have not quoted anyone, thus showing this article for what it truly is, a plain and unworthy opinion of a reporter who cannot do his job properly.
I have tried to keep this letter short as I did not want to go into the history of Albania where you have blamed Albania for each enemy that invaded it and each injustice, one of which as I recall took place in London.
An Albanian student
London, England
July 2006
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