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Apo jo?

Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706

Po citoj ato që tha ingmetalboy
I think no publicity its bad publicity so I dont consider any of that extremely hurtful to us.

It is again the "making money" logic-like. It is not important how you make money. It is not important how the world knows albanians. But at the end albanians complain because the world looks at them like criminals.

Populations are like individuals. The most clever adjusts his personality for what is blamed by the others. Thats why bad publicity is not just publicity. An idiot maybe famous, but is still is an idiot. Accepting criminality as publicity is like laughing at yourself and setting the beginning of historical repercussions which your (or our) generation egoistically pushes to the next one.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 15 Janar 2010 21:26
Fajtori nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Fajtori Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Fajtori (me Mesazh Privat) Vizito faqen personale të Fajtori't! Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Fajtori Shto Fajtori në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Fajtori në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
without a trace

Regjistruar: 06/12/2004
Vendbanimi: wherever I may room
Mesazhe: 1008

Po citoj ato që tha Fajtori

It is again the "making money" logic-like. It is not important how you make money. It is not important how the world knows albanians. But at the end albanians complain because the world looks at them like criminals.

Populations are like individuals. The most clever adjusts his personality for what is blamed by the others. Thats why bad publicity is not just publicity. An idiot maybe famous, but is still is an idiot. Accepting criminality as publicity is like laughing at yourself and setting the beginning of historical repercussions which your (or our) generation egoistically pushes to the next one.

Sometime you do need to laugh with yourself and move on trying to do better. A man is useless unless he has experienced enough to laugh and joke about it's mistakes.

I don't like all the bad publicity that Albania is getting. I don't like all the new Hollywood movies where the bad guys speak albanian nor I like reading on newspapers about the new Albanian mafia ruling the North America. Of course I would prefer that the world would hear more about our art or music or traditions but those things don't make news anymore. On the other side because of all this bad publicity people now know where the hell we are in the map and actually when they meet an Albanian they are curious and have questions to ask. Because of that people know about a hand full of famous Albanians.

That's why I still stand on my so called "money making" logic because history showed us it works. How did the italians became so famous in America? I dont think I need to talk about the bad reputation that they had in the 60' and 70'. Look at them now. I would love to see my country as prosperous as Italy and even better. Is this the way that I would have chosen? Of course not! But the difference between me and you I believe is that I always try to get the best out of a situation instead of just criticizing and bashing all we have.

"Just because some of us can read and write and do little math, that doesn't mean we deserve to conquer the Universe."- K. Vonnegut

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 16 Janar 2010 01:10
ingmetalboy nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të ingmetalboy Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me ingmetalboy (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: ingmetalboy Shto ingmetalboy në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto ingmetalboy në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar

Regjistruar: 29/12/2007
Vendbanimi: ......
Mesazhe: 5021

what do you expect fajtor?!

we dont have an army or government to win a war against serbia over kosovo!

we have a government that keeps bending over and kissing ass te europe showing inferiority and lack of character in front of these lame Europeans.

so, we dont have anything working for us!!
Thank God we have individuals that strive for somthing in their own expense whether that is morally right or wrong it shows that we have people in our nation that are not willing to wait for the mercy of the fucking europe and hold their breath to be accepted by these societies that are in the brink of extinction anyway!

would you rather have europians feel sorry for you, or hate you??
cause europians have never felt sorry for us, as history has shown! so fuck them, and fuck albanian goverment that doesn't open its borders and let chaos fload europe, then, then you will see how fast europe is willing to eccept us, when we become their problem!

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 16 Janar 2010 04:26
kurt nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të kurt Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me kurt (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: kurt Shto kurt në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto kurt në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Apo jo?

Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706

Confirming (as you say) that we are individuals... not a nation...

How sorry should we be... for ourself?

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 16 Janar 2010 05:34
Fajtori nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Fajtori Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Fajtori (me Mesazh Privat) Vizito faqen personale të Fajtori't! Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Fajtori Shto Fajtori në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Fajtori në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Apo jo?

Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706

Keeping America Company

The Zallheer regiment is at the forefront of protecting Albania’s young democracy and, along with politicians from both main parties, have what they see as an important role in helping other troubled nations achieve freedom.

Producer: Gerbil Films, Journeyman Pictures

February 2008

What the documentary doesn't tell you:

This reportage pictures integrated Albania military troops fighting against dictators in the world. Both political parties justify the presence in Iraq as a consequence of the trauma of past albanian dictatorship. Oh my God, now Albania hates so much dicators that wants to remove them by sending troops.

One month after these interviews a huge blast near Tirana shocked the capital. Twenty people were killed and Fatmir Mediu (interviewed here) is claimed to be the major responsible for outsourcing weapon dismantling. The explosion uncovered a business of weapons and explosives between Albania and CIA agents, who sold them in Afghanistan. The other politician interviewed here, Edi Rama, is currently considered (by the prime minister) as the head of the albanian mafia, while Rama considers the prime minister as a dictator himself. The prime minsiter, Sali Berisha, is the same that brought the country to civil war in 1997. These people now claim that Albania is fighting dictators. "Keeping America Company" may hide political and economical interests other than the integration of Albania in the international community. Also because (as the doc states) only 4 countries participate in Iraq war, not the international comunity. As many US satellite countries, Albania may be ruled by corrupt politicians who follow US in exchange for White House blessing.

Modifikuar nga Fajtori datë 17/01/2010 ora 02:41

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 17 Janar 2010 02:05
Fajtori nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Fajtori Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Fajtori (me Mesazh Privat) Vizito faqen personale të Fajtori't! Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Fajtori Shto Fajtori në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Fajtori në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Apo jo?

Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706

Famous Albanians

A collection of albanian people becoming successful mainly abroad. Note that some of them are considered traitors by albanian nationalists.

P.s. It's a bit off topic because is about albanians (out of country) and not about Albania (the country).

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 17 Janar 2010 07:25
Fajtori nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Fajtori Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Fajtori (me Mesazh Privat) Vizito faqen personale të Fajtori't! Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Fajtori Shto Fajtori në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Fajtori në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Apo jo?

Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706

Albania 2009

A set of high quality pictures from cities and touristic places in Albania.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 18 Janar 2010 00:05
Fajtori nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Fajtori Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Fajtori (me Mesazh Privat) Vizito faqen personale të Fajtori't! Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Fajtori Shto Fajtori në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Fajtori në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Rose of Silence

Regjistruar: 31/08/2006
Vendbanimi: usa
Mesazhe: 1525

I remember the AA Gill article very well. It made a "boom" online in 2006 and frankly, only a person who has an agenda writes something like that. The article had a lot of emotions, which tampers with objectivity and gives the opposite result of what respectable journalists try to achieve. Belittling a poor peasant family's attempt to welcome him with the grilled lamb? He looked down upon that person because he was poor, didn't he? Well, excuse my french but f*** him! How can ridicule someone based on how much they have? I would rather be Albanian and know this right from the wrong.
Nevertheless, here is a response of an Albanian girl named Juliana whom I don't know, in an open letter to him:

Dear Mr. AA GILL,

I wish I could write this letter and say all I have in Albanian, but unfortunately all you understand from my language is “shitet” and “crap” so maybe that’s also the reason why it sounds harsh and pathetic to you. It would sound English language the same to me if all I knew was “car” or “curve” (I still remember the laughing in the classroom while the teacher was trying to explain their meaning in English).

The reason I’m writing this open letter is not trying to convince you that Mother Theresa is not the only famous Albanian, and it seems really infantile to measure the personality of a country by the number of its famous people (nonetheless you should have heard of course about Karl Gega – the great Architect, Pope Clement XI, Belushi brothers –the famous actors, Ismail Kadare – The Nobel Prize candidate writer, Inva Mula – the famous soprano singing in many international stages, Ibrahim Kodra –the famous painter who has joint expositions with Picasso in his carrier, Ana Oxa – one of the best singers in Italy etc. all originally Albanians); nor it’s my intention to convince you that the Albanian teenagers are not the worst dressed in Europe (I’ve seen in Europe, as you have of course, much worse and unfortunately for them with a lot more problems); it is not at all my intention to persuade you that most of the 1 million (a figure which I’m sure is much more) of Albanians living abroad do not make their earnings through illegal affairs (Of course you know there are hundreds of thousands Albanians living honestly abroad paying taxes and giving their contribution to the society as many other European citizens); I’ll not try to convince you that Albanian people invest a lot in education and there are many Albanian students excelling not only in Albania but also in many well recognized European and US universities; it would be silly to try convincing you that being poor or living like in the 16th century is not an option Mr. AA GILL, but a fact of life (even though you should know that the grilled lamb that the poor peasant offered you might have been the 1 week food for his large number family, but one of the most respected Albanian traditions is to honour you guest and give him all you have, but of course this was not the focus of your article). I have to stop here though and recall an Albanian expression so appropriate for this case saying “never split over the bread you just ate” and maybe that’s why the two-headed eagle in our honourable flag looks both ways, to watch behind for people like you hitting on our back;

I’ll not try to convince you that you cannot blame Albania for each enemy that invaded it and each injustice it suffered (ironically the most regrettable one happening in London); nor to convince you that the religious harmony existing in Albania is one of the things we go proud for, even though I don’t know for what reason you want to make it look foolish; don’t want to convince you that Albanians do have watches (even though not all of them Rolexes) and do appreciate time and it is really disappointing that it took you one hour to reach to such a conclusion.

No Mr. AA GILL I won’t try to convince you about any of the above. It would be silly, childish and useless, because I’m sure that you already know most of it. It is so obvious that you are serving to somebody/something else, have sold yourself to fit to somebody’s else agenda (and I want to believe that is only a coincidence that this attempt for degradation of Alban

Bukë, kripë e zemër të mirë.

Modifikuar nga Balerina datë 21/01/2010 ora 00:30

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 21 Janar 2010 00:19
Balerina nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Balerina Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Balerina (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Balerina Shto Balerina në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Balerina në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Rose of Silence

Regjistruar: 31/08/2006
Vendbanimi: usa
Mesazhe: 1525

And another reply. Sorry, for the choppiness of the first one but that's all I could find online:

One can only assume that this article was written out of hatred and jealousy and I am forced to ask myself why? Why is it that such a reporter who should be a well-educated and intelligent man would write in such a shameful manner about a country that he knows nothing about? Why now that Albania is growing and its young generation is blossoming? The answer is clear of course. POLITICS!!

It amazes me how in the opening paragraph of your article you have spoken in the words of a true racist “It is grimly typical that the Albanians named their runway to the world after a woman who devoted herself to helping people die; and after a Catholic from a country that’s 70% Muslim”. And these words coming from an Englishman, making it clear whom time really forgot.

When writing an article one commences with research and only after knowing all there is to know about the subject, he/she begins to write. It is evident that AA Gill knows nothing about the actual reality of Albania. To begin with, I owe it to myself to TEACH you something about Albania and its people in this letter. Assuming that you do actually live in the real world and have read a little in your life you should have heard of course about Karl Gega who was a great Architect, Pope Clement XI, Belushi brothers who are famous actors. Inva Mula who is a well-known soprano singer, Ibrahim Kodra, a well known painter who has joint expositions with Picasso and one of our famous writers, Ismail Kadare who won a Nobel Prize for his excellent writing. Many of his books were transelated in the English language, I am almost certain that you would have read a few.

An albatross is bad luck? Or could it possibly be that an albatross is a sign of good luck but only when you harm it, it becomes bad luck. Hence, the reason why Albanians cherish their name and are so very proud of who they are. But you didn’t need Albanians telling you that, in ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ are exactly what Coleridge writes about. I suggest you take some time off and read that too, it would be very beneficial to you.

As for the architecture I shall not comment much on that since it is the opinion of an unknown journalist who cannot and doesn’t know how to appriciate the beauty of art.

In your article you spoke of prostitution, drug-dealing, crime and you stated that Albania was the main country for it, but I assure you there aren’t half as much brothels in the whole of Albania than there are in the city of London. You criticize the way some of the Albanians dress with which you’re also criticizing their culture, could it possibly be because you do not have traditional clothing, traditional dancing and touching stories to pass onto your future generations?

You also told of the foolishness of the Albanian youth, but you forgot to mention that it is that same Albanian youth that are studying in some of the best universities in the world, including Oxford, Cambridge and LSE (where I plan to go this September). It is also that same Albanian youth that is getting an education and as well as helping themselves they are helping their fellow countrymen, which shows patriotism, love and their humane nature. But I am sure you knew this, in fact you know the majority of the these beautiful traditions and amazing culture of the Albanian community and you went and picked its faults, no matter their size and exaggerated them in order to have an article to publish. This is evident because you have not quoted anyone, thus showing this article for what it truly is, a plain and unworthy opinion of a reporter who cannot do his job properly.

I have tried to keep this letter short as I did not want to go into the history of Albania where you have blamed Albania for each enemy that invaded it and each injustice, one of which as I recall took place in London.

An Albanian student
London, England
July 2006

Bukë, kripë e zemër të mirë.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 21 Janar 2010 00:24
Balerina nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Balerina Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Balerina (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Balerina Shto Balerina në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Balerina në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Apo jo?

Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706

The second is surprisingly picking on the same arguments as the first. Even the list of famous people has the same order. Either the two repliers connected with telepathy or this is a curious coincidence... with some sentences more.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetr 21 Janar 2010 01:22
Fajtori nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Fajtori Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Fajtori (me Mesazh Privat) Vizito faqen personale të Fajtori't! Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Fajtori Shto Fajtori në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Fajtori në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
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