Forumi Horizont Forumi Horizont > Tema Shoqërore > Gjuhët e Huaja > Gjuha Angleze > I tell you about Albania
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Rose of Silence

Regjistruar: 31/08/2006
Vendbanimi: usa
Mesazhe: 1525

yea, that's what I thought. But I wish I could've found the rest of the first one because I liked it much much better.

Bottom line, there 's a lot of problems with my homeland and only good can come from addressing those problems...but when people write badly of Albania with ill-intentions (like AA Gill), constructive criticism turns into spite. But if we want to be objective, we have to look at the bad as well as the good.

We are only human and we simplify complexities, but the dynamics of a country is far from simple.

Bukë, kripë e zemër të mirë.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 01:42
Balerina nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Balerina Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Balerina (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Balerina Shto Balerina në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Balerina në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Apo jo?

Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706

I don't think Gill wrote the article to throw mud on Albanians. He probably had a bad experience and bad humor during his journey there. And wrote something funny, which frankly made me laugh. Its just a pictorial irony of what he thinks.

But as there are not many articles about Albania, people get angry about the comics of Gill Beside that, I was told Gill does this with each country, picturing the funny stupid aspects.

Raising up in mass to try and reply to him is useless to my opinion. I wouldn't worry at all, or even better take the true parts to understand where we can ameliorate. In my opinion Albanians are behaving more and more like a population fearing extinction, i.e. like gypsies. They exacerbate traditions, isolate themselves and commit the same errors, because changing can be "dangerous". One of this errors is being so much touched by an article, while a lot of articles make fun of french, english or americans... and nobody cares. The other is thinking as usual that POLITICS is the reason for everything (Greeks want to invade us, Gill was piloted by our enemies, etc).

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 02:03
Fajtori nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Fajtori Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Fajtori (me Mesazh Privat) Vizito faqen personale të Fajtori't! Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Fajtori Shto Fajtori në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Fajtori në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Rose of Silence

Regjistruar: 31/08/2006
Vendbanimi: usa
Mesazhe: 1525

Po citoj ato që tha Fajtori
In my opinion Albanians are behaving more and more like a population fearing extinction, i.e. like gypsies. They exacerbate traditions, isolate themselves and commit the same errors, because changing can be "dangerous". One of this errors is being so much touched by an article, while a lot of articles make fun of french, english or americans... and nobody cares. The other is thinking as usual that POLITICS is the reason for everything (Greeks want to invade us, Gill was piloted by our enemies, etc).

Ah, this is where we disagree, perhaps because our experiences differ greatly. I just came back from an Albanian-organized event where there was Albanian and American dancing, and by the end, the cleaning lady came and we got her in the dance floor, dancing with us, but not Albanian style (although those experiences do not lack for sure).
You cannot stop change, we change every day...but there is a fundamental difference between assimilation and integration. I am capable of being integrated in American society, but I do not need to assimilate. I like who I am, an Albanian. We have our what? I ask myself almost everyday what could I do better, because in a foreign country, we are representatives of Albania, and that clears my conscience.

If Americans can be proud, when, because of their government foreign policy, peoples in the Third World live in undignified poverty, then I can sure as hell be happy that I am Albanian because a government does not represent the soul of a people.

Bukë, kripë e zemër të mirë.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 08:42
Balerina nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Balerina Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Balerina (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Balerina Shto Balerina në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Balerina në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar

Regjistruar: 29/12/2007
Vendbanimi: ......
Mesazhe: 5021

i think my short quick reply is the best out of all i have read towards faggot Gill
beacuse thats what this faggot gill deserves, the other ones seeem to be beggin this gill to be heard and take it under consideration once more and re-write the article again.
sign of inferiority and beggin to be eccepted.
fuck that!!

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 10:59
kurt nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të kurt Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me kurt (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: kurt Shto kurt në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto kurt në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar

Regjistruar: 03/02/2007
Vendbanimi: larg & afer
Mesazhe: 10972

Gill ka shkruar ne menyre reale dhe kete e shohim e ndiejme edhe ne qe jemi emigrante.
Ne ndryshim me Gill ne shohim edhe anet pozitive te atij realiteti.
Nje shoku im kishte veshur nje bluze ku kishte dy shkronja te medha IS. Dhe poshte tyre ne germa aq te vogla instruktor sexi. Do te kene qene vitet '90. Ju afrova dhe me takt i thashe qe mos e vesh me kete bluze se nuk eshte per ty. E hoqi.
Fakti qe nuk gjeti asnje prostitute "enderra" e tij ka te beje me nje shoqeri te admirueshme dhe jo te shthurur pavarsisht se ne realisht e dime shume mire qe egzistojne edhe ato.
Pa dashje gjate gjithe shkrimit te tij ai nuk konfirmon aspak zerat per prostitua as rumene e moldave siç normalisht ja kane "mbushur" mendjen mediat si per shume gjera te tjera.
Ne fund te fundit kuptohet lehte se ai ka te tjera ide dhe mendime ne kohe qe nuk i dalin apo fakton gjate qendrimit te tij ne Shqiperi por i lustron me ngjarje banale qe hasen rendom pse jo kudo ne bote. Jo me ne nje vend ne zhvillim si Shqiperia qe ka probleme te veçanta te natyres se saj.
Nje vajze eshte munduar ti pergjigjet Gill duke i permendur origjinen e shume njerzve te famshem por edhe une jam realist nuk mjafton dhe pergjigjia me e mire eshte ajo e transformimeve te fuqishme e te medha qe jane bere dhe po behen pra me pune dhe vetem me nje gjendje te mire ekonomike. jemi akoma te dobet ekonomikisht kemi te dobet edhe shtetin social kemi dhe probleme.
Besoj e ndiej se kjo dite nuk do te jete shume e larget.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 14:30
Piktor nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Piktor Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Piktor (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Piktor Shto Piktor në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Piktor në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Apo jo?

Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706

Po citoj ato që tha Balerina

Ah, this is where we disagree, perhaps because our experiences differ greatly. I just came back from an Albanian-organized event where there was Albanian and American dancing, and by the end, the cleaning lady came and we got her in the dance floor, dancing with us, but not Albanian style (although those experiences do not lack for sure).
You cannot stop change, we change every day...but there is a fundamental difference between assimilation and integration. I am capable of being integrated in American society, but I do not need to assimilate. I like who I am, an Albanian. We have our what? I ask myself almost everyday what could I do better, because in a foreign country, we are representatives of Albania, and that clears my conscience.

If Americans can be proud, when, because of their government foreign policy, peoples in the Third World live in undignified poverty, then I can sure as hell be happy that I am Albanian because a government does not represent the soul of a people.

Ahhh Balerina,

If you are a representative of Albania then go to Albania a couple of weeks and tell me if you feel represented there. I hardly believe that emigrants represent Albania after some years. What they have in mind of Albania does not represent the true Albania, otherwise you wouldn't dance in America but in Albania.

A government doesn't represent the soul of people, but the culture. A government is the best representation a population think for itself. Thus, whatever me or you talk against politics and government I strongly believe it represent Albanians.

Last, the change you are talking about is normal for emigrants. A change is automatic for somebody living abroad. Also Albanians living in Albania are changing. But the changes are not based on some consciousness or popular conquest. It is still a society dominated by:
males fighting in the streets for a car damage
males dictating women what to do
males ruling politics
blood feuds

A real change is the popular gain of consciousness, throwing traditions from the window and starting a mass revolution (remember '68). To my opinion this will never happen because Albania is a Balkan country fearing extinction, thus, keeping change slow and justifying failures with foreign enemies.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 15:27
Fajtori nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Fajtori Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Fajtori (me Mesazh Privat) Vizito faqen personale të Fajtori't! Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Fajtori Shto Fajtori në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Fajtori në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Rose of Silence

Regjistruar: 31/08/2006
Vendbanimi: usa
Mesazhe: 1525

Po citoj ato që tha Fajtori

Ahhh Balerina,

If you are a representative of Albania then go to Albania a couple of weeks and tell me if you feel represented there. I hardly believe that emigrants represent Albania after some years. What they have in mind of Albania does not represent the true Albania, otherwise you wouldn't dance in America but in Albania.

A government doesn't represent the soul of people, but the culture. A government is the best representation a population think for itself. Thus, whatever me or you talk against politics and government I strongly believe it represent Albanians.

When you meet someone who doesn't know about Albania, you create their first and only impression on Albania, thus representing.
I don't know what you meant by feeling represented there. Again, I don't mean the political sense.
If you think a government is the best representation of a people (really? not even in America), then let's just agree to disagree.

Bukë, kripë e zemër të mirë.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 19:35
Balerina nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Balerina Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Balerina (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Balerina Shto Balerina në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Balerina në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Rose of Silence

Regjistruar: 31/08/2006
Vendbanimi: usa
Mesazhe: 1525

Po citoj ato që tha Fajtori

males ruling politics

The only part of the world that this is not present is Scandinavia. Males rule politics ALL over the world. But I'm glad you are a feminist.

Bukë, kripë e zemër të mirë.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 19:38
Balerina nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Balerina Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Balerina (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Balerina Shto Balerina në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Balerina në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Apo jo?

Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706

Po citoj ato që tha Balerina

The only part of the world that this is not present is Scandinavia. Males rule politics ALL over the world. But I'm glad you are a feminist.

Not everywhere. Any bells ringed by Angela Merkel or Margaret Thatcher ? Glad that you rejected only that point :p That means the rest is accepted.

Ne vendin tim, ne vendin tend, e shpojne lakren, i hedhin mend...

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 20:10
Fajtori nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Fajtori Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Fajtori (me Mesazh Privat) Vizito faqen personale të Fajtori't! Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Fajtori Shto Fajtori në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Fajtori në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
Rose of Silence

Regjistruar: 31/08/2006
Vendbanimi: usa
Mesazhe: 1525

Fajtor, I wasn't picking on the other points because I wanted to change the mood of the thread a little bit, but I knew that you were going the mention the fact that I only talked about that point.

Listen, if the majority of our compatriots have illegal arms, dominate, engage in criminal activities, then I'm surprised how people do not demand for bigger and better things.

You see the typical Albanian in the corrupted police officer who accepts bribes and lets drivers without licenses get away, or the nurse who isn't willing to do her job unless you show the money, or the college professor who sexually harasses his student, or the husband who goes out at coffee shops and tell his wife to stay home, clean and cook.

I see the typical Albanian in the tired construction worker, whose work cannot be stopped even by the dust and troubles of construction in Albania because he has to provide for his family.

In the wrinkled old lady who's trying to make a few extra bucks by riding the van from her village to the city and selling the vegetables she grew, and has to lower the price since imported vegetables are cheaper (not better).

In the child that doesn't need a million toys to let his imagination run wild, whose summers are spent playing outside.

In the ladies who get together, have the Turkish coffee and gossip.

In the typical family that goes to spend summer holidays by the beach; the typical "15 days" and bring with themselves all sorts of food, because they will not eat out all those 15 days.

In the ex-persecuted families who spend days and months in courts to demand their family property back.

In the ex-persecuted who were imprisoned and tortured back then.

In the grandpa who still tries to make/buy some raki and likes a little meze.

In short, this is my majority of our compatriots, and the other is yours.

Bukë, kripë e zemër të mirë.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Janar 2010 20:37
Balerina nuk po viziton aktualisht forumin Kliko këtu për Profilin Personal të Balerina Kliko këtu për të kontaktuar me Balerina (me Mesazh Privat) Kërko mesazhe të tjera nga: Balerina Shto Balerina në listën e injorimit Printo vetëm këtë mesazh Shto Balerina në listën e monitorimit Ndrysho/Fshij Mesazhin Përgjigju Duke e Cituar
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