Every single day
I think of the times
When you were still mine
And Im blue
Got to get away
Get you out of my mind
Im caught up in time
And Im blue
I dont miss all the fun that we had
You were always around me
Where are you now
I need you now
If you were around
It would be alright
Living on my own
I know Im to blame
Im locked in my chains
And youre free
Fallen like a stone
Im down on the ground
Im tied up and bound
And youre free
I dont miss all the fun that we had
You were always around me
* where are you now
I need you now
If you were around it would be alright
Me bejne per te qeshur interpretimet qe i bejne teksteve te Beatles, kerkojne kudo mesazhe subliminale e sekrete ... sipas shumices strawberry fields ka lidhje me drogen... e nese ka ok por keta mendjeshkurter se kane idene se tekstet i intepretojme ne e ne jemi shume mendje te vecanta ... per kete arsye Straberry fields eshte nje vend ku s'mund te shkojne te gjithe, atje mendimet marrin nje ngjyre te kuqe e rikthehen ne energji
__________________ "Sono gli altri le strade, io sono una piazza, non porto in nessun posto, io sono un posto"
Regjistruar: 06/12/2004
Vendbanimi: wherever I may room
Mesazhe: 1008
Rusty Cage - Johnny Cash
You wired me awake
And hit me with a hand of broken nails
You tied my lead and pulled my chain
To watch my blood begin to boil
Too cold to start a fire
I'm burning diesel, burning dinosaur bones
I'll take the river down to still water
And ride a pack of dogs
Hits like a Phillips head Into my brain
It's gonna be too dark
To sleep again Cutting my teeth on bars
And rusty chains,
I'm gonna break my Rusty cage and run
When the forest burns
Along the road Like God's eyes In my headlights
When the dogs are looking
For their bones
And it's raining icepicks
On your steel shore
But Im gonna break
Im gonna break my
Im gonna break my rusty cage and run
"Just because some of us can read and write and do little math, that doesn't mean we deserve to conquer the Universe."- K. Vonnegut
Kenge vertet e bukur...do me perfaqsonte me se miri sot !!
Jo keq si kenga e fundit per tu degjuar para se te mbyllet pc-ja dhe per sot
impressioni di settembre - Marlene Kuntz
....un cavallo tende il collo verso il prato
resta fermo come me
Faccio un passo
lui mi vede
è giÃ_ fuggito
la nebbia
penso a te
No cosa sono adesso non lo so
sono un uomo
un uomo in cerca di se stesso
No cosa sono adesso non lo so
sono solo
solo il suono del mio passo
e in tanto il sole
tra la nebbia filtra giÃ_
il giorno
come sempre
Me gjithe respektin qe kam per versionin origjinal te PFM-ve dhe versionin e Battiato-s, ky eshte version sikur me pelqen me shume..nuk e di pse..ndoshta pasi eshte cik me shume rock...edhe se s'eshte e thene qe versioni rock i nje kenge te te pelqeje me shume se versioni me ...soft !
Ka mundesi te jete pasi Marlene-t me pelqejne me shume ....ka mundesi !
__________________ Si sta come d'autunno sugli alberi le foglie !