Apo jo?
Regjistruar: 11/06/2002
Vendbanimi: Europe
Mesazhe: 10706
Exactly, you see the typical person with the nostalgy of youth.
But who is today your grandpa drinking raki and eating meze? It's a young men sitting in a bar full of males and getting drunk daily.
By whom were persecuted those families if not by other Albanians?
What is that child learning by playing outside if the old playground you left is today full of cars?
Who can afford to go 15 days with the whole family for holidays? Not the people living with normal salaries of 300 euro per month.
What is the good side of ladies gossiping around in 21 century? Do you like to have your life controlled by gossip ladies?
So, Balerina, times have changed and so should we. Albania cannot be kept the same as during communist era. Albanians don't engage ALL in criminal activities, that is sure. I had to do with police investigations and the criminals were very very few. Typically a city is ruled by 2-3 groups of criminals, each with 10-15 individuals helping each other. You see always those 50 people coming out during investigations. But they exist because there is no social pressure to kill the criminal mentality. Even more, the criminal mentality is sustained and justified for whatever reasons. Take the example of corruption, nearly 90% of Albanians have commited one, witnessed or enhanced it. Should you call them (and possibly ourself) criminals?
It doesn't really matter. The point is that you cannot expect to get honest politicians in a country massively corrupt by dual standards of morality. And to my point of view, this is not resolvable by unique acts of politics, nor by laws and imprisonment. We need a social revolution far beyond single acts of change. We need to throw away the education we got from grandpas sitting in a corner and drinking raki, while your grandma works at home. This revolution cannot happen, because Albanians are terribly scared of being manipulated and extinct. And also because they are educated with religious morality of family obedience, which perpetuates the exact anti-institutional macho mentality of the past.
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