without a trace
Regjistruar: 06/12/2004
Vendbanimi: wherever I may room
Mesazhe: 1008
Citim: Po citoj ato që tha Unstoppable
Po kaq budallenj ju te sojit tone ?
Ingmetalboy dhe eng_boy(lol) , nuk e kisha me ju por me kete diefaust..and something lol
S'guxon tjetri te beje pak sarkazem se secili ja bashkangjet vehtes...ehh ju keni probleme me te thella se thellesia thellesore e thellesise se thelle ( damn i'm enjoyn this lol)
e di qe qenke vertet i madh.
"Just because some of us can read and write and do little math, that doesn't mean we deserve to conquer the Universe."- K. Vonnegut
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