Forumi Horizont Forumi Horizont > Arti & Kultura > Arti Figurativ > Arkitekture > pro apo kunder GENTRIFICATION?
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Syri i Natës

Regjistruar: 24/08/2003
Vendbanimi: night
Mesazhe: 2545


pro apo kunder GENTRIFICATION?

First of all, I will explain what "gentrification" is: the word gentrification comes from the english gentry, the class inmediately below the nobility. That is, people of higher class and status "invaded" a working-class area, renovating existing homes.

Actually I don't know if this phenomenon is happening in the cities of Albania. Here, you people has the voice to tell it in this theme (and I hope you do comment it).

In American cities, gentrification has occurred and is ocurring right now, in their inner-city houses. Some people applaud this "development". They say that gentrification brings back the white middle and upper middle classes to the city, thereby upgrading the housing stock and increasing the tax base.

I was reading an article this morning in USATODAY about the investigation of gentrification in USA by a professor in Urban Planning at Columbia University. (You can read it here:
His conclusion was that Gentrification drives comparatively few low-income residents from their homes. Although some are forced to move by rising costs, there isn't much more displacement in gentrifying neighborhoods than in non-gentrifying ones. In another anterior article this professor wrote he pointed out that although higher costs sometimes force poor residents to leave gentrifying neighborhoods, other changes — more jobs, safer streets, better trash pickup — encourage them to stay. But to others, gentrification remains a dirty word.

But a lot of importants questions remains; the first one: Where will those gentrified out of their homes go?

Displacement of low-income people, pushed out of their homes by affluent people, is often one outcome of gentrification. But a less obvious effect concerns jobs: gentrification can mean that housing displaces jobs for the poor. Anyway, the big winners in this processare the owners of capital and the big losers are the displaced urban poor.

So, should public policy slow down or speed up gentrification?

No, no dejéis cerradas las puertas de la noche, del viento, del relámpago, la de lo nunca visto.

Denonco këtë mesazh tek moderatorët | IP: e regjistruar

Mesazh i vjetër 21 Prill 2005 17:17
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Forumi Horizont Forumi Horizont > Arti & Kultura > Arti Figurativ > Arkitekture > pro apo kunder GENTRIFICATION?

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