Gjergj Kastrioti
Veritas Odium Parit
Regjistruar: 22/10/2004
Vendbanimi: God is busy, me too...
Mesazhe: 2957
warez forume ka sa te duash...
Nqs doni po ju keshilloj nje shqiptar alb-warez.net
problemi eshte se ketu ( http://download.ir/archives.html ) jane te koncentruara ne nje vend te vetem...
Forumi ka te mire se mund te diskutosh rreth nje produkti te caktuar!
Po edhe aty ka info, rreth nje software-i, filmi, etj...
Gjithsesi ... shume mire jane edhe forumet !
It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.(Declaration of Arbroath)
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