Forumi Horizont | Gjithsej 204 faqe: « E parë ... « 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 [111] 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 » ... E fundit » Trego 2037 mesazhet në një faqe të vetme |
Forumi Horizont (
- Arkivi i Muzikës (
-- " Dita ime e sotme...Forumiste rrefehuni me kenge " (
uu fajtori hengsh gjelle mbreterish per darke se me kete james blunt me ke dal ne shteg e sidomos love opo love te them kete Xhejmsin e kam ter diten qe pikerisht kete kengetar po degjoj.
ja kalofsh bukur.
C'est dit
Gli Ostacoli del Cuore
U riktheva ne rrugen qe kishim bere bashke por s'ishte njesoj, s'kishte kush te me kendonte kenget ne vesh e s'kisha ke te bezdisja :p ... e megjithate ndjesia jote eshte aty ... sot meriton me shume se nje grusht vape ...
Quante cose che non sai di me
Quante cose che non puoi sapere
Quante cose da portare nel viaggio insieme
Save Me - Aimee Mann
Nqs te kerkosh nje kenge qe ke ne mend e ben perfaqsuese te dites.
The chemicals between us - Bush
Sot ndihem cik energjik sado qe jo shume ne forem,po e mbyll naten me nje kenge te tille,ritmike,energjike...
Patti Smith - Because the Night
Ka 2 kenge qe kam pasur ne mendje sot, te paren e degjova ne radio pas kaq kohesh e tjetren e kendoj here pas here me vete.
Live your life without regret. Don't be someone who they forget!!!
They tried to catch a falling star.
Thinking that she had gone too far.
She did but kept it hidden well.
Until she cracked and then she fell.
If all the history is true.
She's gonna end up just like you.
You made it to the other side.
But tell me who will be my guide.
They build you up so they can tear you down.
Trust the ocean you'll never drown.
Who is next? Who's gonna steal your crown?
You'll see.
They buy your dreams so they can sell your soul.
Is it any wonder we've lost control?
Feelings come, feelings go.
I have learnt my lesson well.
The truth is out there I can tell.
Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies and goodbyes.
Live your life without regret.
Don't be someone who they forget.
When you're lost reach out for me.
And you'll see she's not far.
Northern Star.
Gjithsej 204 faqe: « E parë ... « 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 [111] 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 » ... E fundit » Trego 2037 mesazhet në një faqe të vetme |
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