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-- Italo Calvino (
Waw Ami you touch my weak fibres talking about Italo Calvino :)
I love his work, actually he is one of my best preferred writers. I know the most of his books but specially "The invisible cities", in which I based a lot of art works of mine and my last investigation for doctorate :) .
Something that you don’t say in your biography about him and that I think is indispensable for knowing his work, is that he was in contact with the mathematician group Ou.Li.Po. in Paris . He collaborated with them, experiencing in the application of mathematical postulates to the literary creation. Imagine the ingenious mixture mathematics-poetry :P Calvino did it! :D
did you know that the design for the invisible cities was a Moëbius ribbon?!!! :) Calvino used it cause he looked for the possibility to create a text without principle neither end, and at the same time using this model allowed him to multiply the longitude of the written lines until the infinite. It’s really impresionant… I had a draw where it was very clearly explained… I will look for it and I’ll post it here :)
Calvino was really an erudite… he based to write this book on many authors and classic works as the philosophers Lucrecio or Galileo, or the books "The thousand and one nights", or "Utopia" by Tomás Moore, "The Decameron"... (i don't know if this is the right translation of the tittles of these books :P )
this book is really amazing... I LOVE IT! … it is one of the best books I ever have read :)
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