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The Albania flag was officially adopted on 28 November 1912.
The flag features a double-headed eagle in black, on a red background. This design is traced back to George Castriota, an Albanian Christian, and a 15th century Turkish general. He used the Byzantine two-headed eagle on his seals, hence the Albanian flag. Note that Albanians call their country Shqipëria, meaning "Land of the Eagle."
Darke, my appologies, had to modify the date for it is 28 November 1912 when the current flag of Albania was officially accepted as the ONE -> Admirali
The flag of Spain was officially adopted on July 19, 1927
The red and golden-yellow colors of Spain's flag were first used in the late 1700s by the King of Spain, as he tried to easily differentiate his ships from those of other countries. They're also the original colors found within the arms of both the Castile and Aragon regions of the country, the regions first united by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
PS: (all that is a lie... the red colour is cause the passionate blood and the yellow one cause the sun :p)
The National Flag of Canada, popularly known as the Maple Leaf Flag , is a base red flag with a white square in its center, featuring a red stylized 11-pointed maple leaf.
February 15 has been commemorated as National Flag of Canada .
"The Canadian flag is the symbol of the nation's unity, for it, beyond any doubt, represents all the citizens of Canada without distinction of race, language, belief or opinion."
The maple leaf is the traditional emblem of Canada . Why? Well, before the coming of the first European settlers, Canada's aboriginal peoples had discovered the food properties of maple sap, which they gathered every spring. According to many historians, the maple leaf began to serve as a Canadian symbol as early as 1700.
three equal vertical bands of blue (hoist side), white, and red; known as the French Tricouleur (Tricolor); the design and/or colors are similar to a number of other flags, including those of Belgium, Chad, Ireland, Cote d'Ivoire, Luxembourg, and Netherlands; the official flag for all French dependent areas
thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white; there is a blue rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner bearing 50 small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternating with rows of five stars; the 50 stars represent the 50 states, the 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies; known as Old Glory; the design and colors have been the basis for a number of other flags, including Chile, Liberia, Malaysia, and Puerto Rico
Saudi Arabia
green with large white Arabic script (that may be translated as There is no God but God; Muhammad is the Messenger of God) above a white horizontal saber (the tip points to the hoist side); green is the traditional color of Islam
The flag of Greece is blue and white and was officially adopted on December 22, 1978.
The Greek flag has nine horizontal blue and white stripes, with a white cross on a blue square field in the canton position (upper left corner by the flagpole). The white cross symbolizes Greek Orthodoxy, the established religion of Greece.
Flamuri GJerman
Flamuri Austriak me shqiponje
Darke,une protestoj flamuri shqiptar eshte vendosur zyrtarisht ne 28 nentor 1912 nga Ismail Qemali ne Vlore.(pervec yllit qe u vendos me pas dhe u hoq ne 1992) E kuqja simbolizon gjakun qe kane derdhur shqiptaret per liri.
Nje shtese per flamurin francez:Tri ngjyrat simbolizojne barazi,vllazerim dhe paqe nese nuk gaboj.
Per flamurin amerikan nuk kam c`a te shtoj se jane thene te tera
Per flamurin gjerman nuk e kam idene fare
Per flamurin austriak me shqiponje me 2 koka di vetem qe shqiponja me 2 koka ka qene simbol i perandorive (i perandorise austriake,ruse,franceze dhe gjermane) ne pergjithesi.
oh really? :O ... i'm sorry, i really am not sure, i caught the information in internet... ok, talk to the moderator keni and change what i wrote!
1992 is too early for albanians
The flag was officialy adopted 1912.
But it says 1992 because we have a slightly different flag with communist we had a star in it.
P.S ( darke you have the power to change ur own message, just press Modifiko)
Flamuri Algjerjan
Flamuri Hungares
Nje saktesim per mesazhin e jimmy84
> "Nje shtese per flamurin francez:Tri ngjyrat simbolizojne barazi,vllazerim dhe paqe nese nuk gaboj."
Tre ngjyrat e flamurit francez vijne nga bashkimi i ngjyres se bardhe qe ishte ngjyra e mbreterve dhe ngjyrat kuq e blu qe ishin ngjyrat e qytetit te Parisit.
>"Per flamurin austriak me shqiponje me 2 koka di vetem qe shqiponja me 2 koka ka qene simbol i perandorive (i perandorise austriake,ruse,franceze dhe gjermane) ne pergjithesi."
Perandoria franceze nuk ka patur si simbol shqiponjen me dy koka.
Shqiponja me dy koka eshte nje simbol bizantin qe do te thote vigjelence nga lindja dhe perendimi.
Flamuri Portugez..
2 bandes verticales verte (explorations) et rouge (sang de la lutte pour l'indépendance) avec armoiries (rôle du Portugal dans les grandes découvertes) au centre (1911)
Flamuri Anglez.
Croix de St-Georges (Angleterre,rouge sur fond blanc), croix de St-André (Ecosse,croix en X, blanche sur fond bleu), croix de St-Patrick (Irlande, croix en X, rouge sur fond blanc, ajoutée en 1801). Appelé Union Jack (adopté 1606)
faktikisht flamuri ne 1992 ndryshoi , nuk eshte i njejti me ate qe ishte psh ne 1982 por gjithesesi vetem pak prandaj ja vlen te permendet ky ndryshim sado i vogel qe eshte ka rendesi (sidomos politike ) shum te madhe per vendin tone.
ca re ????????
nuk kam par ndonje ndryshim un mua njesoj mu duk
po ca ka ndryshur??????????/ ta dim te pakten se as qe nuk dim as historin e vendit ton
turp ku me degjon
ne 1992 u hoq ylli me 5 cepa, ne 2005 shqiponja do te behet me ngjyre te verdhe se keshtu i eshte tek shokut tosi
Po citoj ato që tha _mIzZzA_
ahahhahahaahahahahahh the year on there is so funny
ne 1992 wow wat was she thinkin when she wrote it
Darke como esta el "flag" de chile, y donde esta esto pays??
puc-puc unA
bonita mamacita, Chile is a southamerican country. It 's in the left side next to the pacific ocean, among Argentina, Bolivia and Perú.
ketu ju keni flamurin e Chiles
Flamuri i Brazilit
republika domenikane
Ketu nuk duket po tek emblema e mesit shkruhet motoja e Republikes Domenikane DIOS, PATRIA, LIBERTAD qe Zoti, Atdheu, Liria
Ja dhe flamuri belg.
shume i ngjashem me ate gjerman.
Flamuri i Italise
Flamuri Turk...
god bless america
The Danish Flag - Dannebrog
Flamuri kombetar i Danimarkes, Det Dannebrog, eshte me fushe te kuqe dhe nje kryq te bardhe Skandinav qe zgjatet drejt aneve te flamurit, pjesa vertikale e kryqit eshte e zhvendosur afer anes ku vendoset mbajtesja e flamurit. Kryqi i flamurit danez u adoptua nga vendet e tjera veriore(nordike): Suedia, Norvegjia, Finlanda dhe Islanda. Gjate unionit Danez-Norvegjez, Dannebrog (flamuri danez ne gjuhen kombetare) ishte njekohesisht dhe flamuri norvegjez me disa modifikime te lehta, derisa Norvegjia zgjodhi flamurin aktuali ne perdorim, ne vitin 1821. Dannebrog, eshte flamuri me i vjeter shteteror ne perdorim akoma, dhe burimi me i vjeter i padiskutueshem i kesaj teorie vjen qe nga shekulli i 14-te.
Mbaj mend nje postim ne nje teme qe mori nje paralajmerim se do fshihej ne rast se nuk perkthehej ne shqip. Ne fak nuk ishte postim moderatori.
Po citoj ato që tha juve
Mbaj mend nje postim ne nje teme qe mori nje paralajmerim se do fshihej ne rast se nuk perkthehej ne shqip. Ne fak nuk ishte postim moderatori.
Flamuri zyrtar i Kosoves, qysh nga 17. Shkurti 2008
p.s. mungonte ketu
Re: Flamuri zyrtar i Kosoves, qysh nga 17. Shkurti 2008
Po citoj ato që tha Vizioner
p.s. mungonte ketu
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