Si shume grupe qe dikur benin metal me tendenca gothic,doom apo black dhe Katatonia kane filluar te zbuten disi por me klas do thoja,pa u komerçalizuar dhe pa u bere bajat !
in the white - Katatonia
Are you in or are you out
The words are stones in my mouth
Hush little baby don't you cry
Truth comes down
Strikes me in the eye
Turning season within
Brand new nails across my skin
But who am I to imply
That I was found
That I found you in the white...
__________________ Si sta come d'autunno sugli alberi le foglie !
In the distance from far away
I can hear your voice, the words that you say
You left forever, your love has been gone
But I still feel so strong... for you
You left me crying, you're leaving me alone
You and I together, once it was so strong
The shield of love has broken, you're fire has been gone
Now I'm back on my own
Come back and stay
Don't leave me all alone
Can you hear me pray
I want you,
All the rest of my life
I want you,
All the rest of my life
The rest of my life
Every moment (still) I'm thinking of you
But it seems that there's nothing, nothing I can do
If there's something, something I could say
To bring you back some day
__________________ - Hene duam ne heshtje,ashtu siç jam mesuar edhe une te dashuroj,ne Heshtje..Dhe vendosem te jetojmë të ndarë dhe të dashurojmë në heshtje!Kjo ishte menyra e vetme për të qendruar sa me afer njëri-tjetrit ..ndonese jo me trup.. por me zemër!
Citim:Po citoj ato që tha Roi Kur flitet per balada dashurie mendoj se Scorpions-at kane qene te specializuar ne kete fushe,me master do thoja !
Cudi,ketu kam pare shume pak kenge te tyre ...e jo vetem tek kjo teme ! Ndoshta pasi shume jane nen 20 vjec e nuk i kane arritur...ka mundesi !
send me an angel - Scorpions
......... por do thoja Doktorate ........ . Dhe meqe ra fjala, kam nja nje jave qe vetem ata degjoj ne makine ...........